Monta features / Reports 2.0
Reports 2.0
Receive detailed reports concerning any issue related to a charge point integrated with Monta.
The feature in a Nutshell
What is it?
When there is an issue with any charge point integrated with Monta, there is a report created, no matter whether Monta or a third party is the one detecting it. There are multiple reasons why a report can be created. Depending on that reason, the system can react differently.
Sometimes, the Monta system will be able to solve the problem automatically: this is what we can ‘self heal’. When that is not possible, the system brings the report to the operator, site owner and/or installers responsible for that charge point so they can work on the issue.
In the Portal, there is a dedicated section where operators and site owners can find all reports created, and then assign those to their team members to solve it. They can also enter an installer’s details so that they are notified of the issue and can work on the charge point. On their team sections users are also notified about latest reports.
What kind of reports are there?
Reports 2.0 is implemented in the Portal, and consists of 3 types of reports.
System generated
Used for events defined by our system, that will submit a report to you of the specific charge point or group of them.
User generated
A report generated by a user from within the Monta app and submitted to you.
Support/Intercom generated
A report developed by our customer support team and then submitted to you as an operator, installer or hardware manufacturer.
What can you do with it?
Operators and Site owners:
They save time and money by:
- The system troubleshoots issues without needing manual interventions.
- When a human intervention is needed, the system raise it to the designated installer’s attention so that it can be solved in a timely manner so they can get their revenue source back.
- No need to contact the installer manually. They can be notified automatically when there is an issue that needs manual intervention.
- I have an actual overview of the problems, I can potentially quantify them.
Who benefits from it?
Operators and Site owners:
They save time and money by:
- The system troubleshoots issues without needing manual interventions.
- When a human intervention is needed, the system raise it to the designated installer’s attention so that it can be solve in a timely manner so they can get their revenue source back.
- No need to contact the installer manually. They can be notified automatically when there is an issue that needs manual intervention.
- I have an actual overview of the problems, I can potentially quantify them.
They are notified when there is an issue and they need to manually fix it.
End users:
A better charging experience, and more charge points working smoothly.
What are we trying to solve?
Our goal is to stremline the maintenance and proble-solving to keep the available charging infrastructure active and ready for users to use by solving real life issues of operators, installers, site owners. Monta and our users can get in contact with quickly and with the necessarily information when:
- Charge points are not working.
- Overhead of managing charge point issues and coordination is needed.
- There is potential loss of revenue for operators or installers when their charge point cannot be used.
Discover more features
Smart booking
Reserve a charge point to make sure you’re not driving to occupied charge points. Once a charge point is reserved, only you can start it.
Earn Monta Wallet credits by letting PowerBank pause ongoing EV charges on your charge points during a grid imbalance.
Roaming Network
Give drivers the best charging experience—everywhere.
Payment options and invoicing
Easy charging, seamless payments, effortless invoicing.