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Charge point ranking in Monta

Learn about Monta's ranking system and how we measure charge point model and brand performance.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 14 January, 2025
In this guide

Monta has developed a ranking system for charge point brands and models. You can see the ranking on our supported charge points page. On this page, you can read about the different dimensions we use to measure and how we calculate them.

Charge point rank

Our charge point ranking is an important resource for manufacturers, operators and end users alike. It can be used as a first gauge of how well a charge point performs on Monta.

On the supported charge points page, you can see the ranking of charge point models (Model Rank). To see the charge point brand rank, you need access to Monta's Hardware Portal.


We have implemented thresholds to ensure that we have enough data to calculate the ranking of charge point models. Models that do not meet these thresholds will show as "not ranked", but might still have certain measures associated with them. The following thresholds apply:

  • At least 50 charge points of that model are connected to the Monta platform
  • At least 200 charges have successfully completed on the charge point model.
  • The charge point model has received at least least 30 daily performance score values within a 90 day period.

Time dimension

The ranking is designed as a trend indicator for a brand or charge point model against its competition.

Thus the actual rank is based on a 30 day rolling average performance score and not the daily performance scores. The rolling average ensures that ranks do not fluctuate wildly on a day to day basis but are still representative of a general trend for the charge point model.

The rolling average formula is:

image 3

t : The current position in the dataset.
W: The size of the rolling window (number of values in the window). In this case 30.
x_i : The value at the i-th position.

Rolling average performance score calculation

The average of (daily performance score + sum of (rolling average performance score of the last 30 days))

  • If there’s no daily performance score on the respective day, the rolling performance score of the previous day will be taken.
  • If there’s no rolling performance score historic data for 30 days, then the average will be built over what is there, f.ex. for a new model (also see specific example in the table below):
    • on day 1: rolling_perf_1 = daily_perf_1
    • on day 2: rolling_perf_2 = (daily_perf_2 + rolling_perf_1) / 2
    • on day 3: rolling_perf_3 = (daily_perf_3 + rolling_perf_1 + rolling_perf_2) / 3
    • on day n: rolling_perf_n = (daily_perf_n + sum_of(rolling_perf_[n-i] until rolling_perf_[n-1]) / i with i <= 30
daily perf1005080null
rolling perf100758585
Example of rolling performance score

What are charge point measures?

The ranking is based on measures.

The measures follow a KPI tree approach similar to a Dupont System. This will make any measure actionable as it can be drilled down to the lowest level one to identify issues quickly.

In Montas’ case, we will employ a simplified measure tree with one branch and three levels only. All these measures will be represented as a percentage between 0% and 100%.

All metrics — including Charge Success Rate (CSR), User Satisfaction Rate, Uptime Rate, and the Performance Score—are aggregated across three levels: individual charge points, charge point models, and manufacturers.

  1. Individual Charge Points: Metrics are calculated using all data associated with a specific charge point.
  2. Charge Point Models: Metrics are aggregated across all charge points associated with the model.
  3. Charge Point Manufacturers: Metrics are weighted averages of all the charge point models produced by the manufacturer.

Example: If one model accounts for 80% of a manufacturer’s installation base and another for 20%, the first model’s performance will have a proportionally larger impact on the manufacturer’s scores.

Measure 1: Uptime Rate (UR)

The uptime of a charge point is an essential metric as it communicates the percentage of time the charge point is available for service.

Many regulatory bodies require uptime to be reported for public chargers (AFIR, NEVI, UK regulations, etc.); however most of these differ slightly in the way they are calculated. Thus, Monta calculates charge point model uptime purely on the OCPP state of the charging stations (Connector 0).

According to the OCPP specifications 7.7, Connector 0 can have the following states:

StateConditionCount towards uptime
AvailableWhen a Connector becomes available for a new user (Operative)operative
UnavailableWhen a Connector becomes unavailable as the result of a Change Availability command or an event upon which the Charge Point transitions to unavailable at its discretion. Upon receipt of a Change Availability command, the status MAY change immediately or the change MAY be scheduled. When scheduled, the Status Notification shall be sent when the availability change becomes effective (Inoperative)inoperative
FaultedWhen a Charge Point or connector has reported an error and is not available for energy delivery . (Inoperative).inoperative
Connector 0 states, according to OCPP specifications 7.7

Starting and Ending uptime calculation:

A charge point can be out of service for multiple reasons, including: installed but not yet operational, temporarily out of commission, or completely decommissioned. Monta is rarely informed of these events but we need to define when to start calculating and when to stop calculating uptime on a charging station. Otherwise we risk counting decommissioned charge points towards the uptime of a model or brand.

Start condition → First successful 3 charges above 1kWh.

  • After this condition has been met a charge point will contribute to the uptime for the model and for the brand.

End condition → No OCPP communication from charging station within 14 days

  • If we do not “hear” from a charging station in a 14 day window it will be excluded from the uptime calculation and the 14 days of “offline time” are retroactively removed from the statistic. Any OCPP communication such as heartbeats, bootNotifications, etc. within that 14 day period will reset the time frame.

Measure 2: User Satisfaction Rate (USR)

Drivers using Monta Charge can leave a rating on the charge. They give a rating between 1 and 5 and are prompted to leave feedback which can be seen in Monta's Hardware Portal.

The User Satisfaction Rate aggregates these ratings to a charge point model. The 1-5 rate logic is transferred to a percentage out of 100. All ratings given are weighted equally - the final score is the average of all ratings given.

Star ratingPercentage
User ratings
Monta charge charge rating by user 1

Measure 3: Charge Success Rate (CSR)

The CSR measures the reliability of a charge point model by analysing the success of charging sessions initiated by drivers. This metric reflects the percentage of charging sessions that result in a successful energy transfer to a vehicle, calculated as follows:

image 1

A successful charge is defined as:

  1. A session where energy (in kWh) is delivered to the vehicle.
  2. A session where no critical errors occur, regardless of whether energy is delivered, such as in scenarios where smart charging delays energy transfer or the user cancels the session before charging begins.

A failed charge occurs when:

  1. The session is terminated due to critical errors that prevent energy delivery, such as connector faults or hardware malfunctions.
  2. The session ends prematurely due to issues outside user or system control, such as communication failures or charge point errors.

Measure 4: Performance score

The model performance score is calculated once daily, based on the three lower measures from that model (m). This means that every charge point model has an entry for each day of this score.

image 2
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