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Episode 10

Smart Charging Explained: Jaap Burger on the Future of EV Infrastructure

41 min
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Hosts Mike Hawkes and Kevin Spangenberg are joined by Jaap Burger, Senior Advisor on EV Grid Integration. Jaap brings his extensive experience and knowledge to discuss the nuances of smart charging for electric vehicles and the policies that maximize its potential for a decarbonized power market and grid.

Jump into the current state of smart charging in Europe, and explore with us  how different regions are adopting this technology and the benefits it brings to consumers and the energy grid. Jaap explains the challenges and opportunities in integrating renewable energy sources, optimizing grid usage, and reducing costs for everybody: users, businesses and EV naysayers alike!

It’s almost impossible to discuss smart charging without vehicle-to-grid technology, so Jaap addressed the technical, regulatory, and market barriers we need to make V2G a reality. Stay till the end to hear his take and predictions for bidirectional charging and the future of a smarter relationship with the grid.

Happy charging!

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