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Monta Integration guides

Powerhubb Integration Guide

This is a guide that shows how to install Monta on your Powerhubb charge point.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 9 April, 2024
In this guide

Please note that when you connect your charge point to Monta, we become the operator of the charge point. This means that you need to use Monta to control the charging process.

1. Download the Teison app and login

Download My Teison from Apple Store or Google Play.

On the first screen select Home and then login.

Once you are in, turn on your Bluetooth to locate the charging pile list.

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2. Open the network settings

Select a charging pile by clicking on it.

Open the network settings by clicking on the three dots "..." in the upper right corner and then click on "Config Network".

Screenshot2022 05 30at16.19.12 0

3. Configure network

Select 2.4GB WiFi.

1. Enter your WiFi name and password.

2. Click on webSocket

3. Enter socket URL:

4. Enter socket port: ocpp1.6

Finish by clicking on "Link to router".

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4. Connecting the charge point to your Monta account

Now you need to add and connect your charge point to your Monta account.

You can do this through either Monta Charge or Monta Hub.

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