Please note that when you connect your charge point to Monta, we become the operator of the charge point. This means that you need to use Monta to control the charging process.
1. Notes
This guide will specifically instruct on how to access the WebUI with a WiFi hotspot, where you will need a WiFi card which you can find in the provided box.
If using a WiFi hotspot is not possible, you can alternatively access WebUI via an ethernet cable connected to the charger to a computer.
If using an Ethernet cable, the web server can be accessed directly by entering the address of the charging station name in a web browser.
The exact address is specific to each charging station, indicating the last 6 characters of its UID code specified on the product label or on the side configuration label.
Example: https://hager-evcs-ab4df5
Alternatively, scan the connected IP addresses via e.g. a router and access it from there.
If you can successfully connect via Ethernet cable, you can skip to Step 3.
2. Activate WiFi hotspot with WiFi card
Turn on the charge point on for the first time, the LED will flash an yellow light, then orange.
You will now have 5 mins to use the WiFi card. Once you swipe this, the LED will turn green.
Once you have saved a “Wifi Hotspot” RFID card and allowed the RFID reader to scan it, the charge point switches to “Wifi Hotspot” mode.
The charge point will broadcast its own Wifi, using the default SSID “hager-evcs-[last6charUID]” and the password “hager[last6charUID]”.
- SSID: hager-evcs-ab4df5
- password: hagerab4df
Once connected to hotspot of the charge point, the IP address for the WebUI is
3. Log in to the WebUI
Username: Admin
Password: 1234
You will be prompted change the password once you are logged in.
You should now see 4 pages. Please go to the page called: “Configuration“
4. OCPP Configuration settings
In the “Configuration” page, you will find OCPP settings. For using Monta with this charge point, please enter the following settings:
OCPP server: wss://
Authentication: select suitable method for third party backend supervision.
Login: leave blank
Password: leave blank
ChargePoint ID: HAGER(serialnumber)
RFID Access: select option to use RFID
Charging restart authorization: Enable
5. Connect the charger to the internet
You can connect the charger on the installation site via WiFi or Ethernet.
WiFi connection
Enter the following:
- Wifi SSID
- Wifi Password
Ethernet cable
- DHCP client: connects to a DHCP server or assigns a fixed IP
- IP address: defines the fixed IP
- Fallback IP address: defines the IP should there be a DHCP error
After this, please restart the charge point. The charge point should now connect to Monta’s OCPP server.
6. Connect the charge point to your Monta Account
Now you need to add and connect your charge point to your Monta account.
You can do this through either Monta Charge or Monta Hub.