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Monta Charge

Troubleshoot a Disconnected charge point

Learn how to troubleshoot your offline charge point, so it can establish an internet connection again.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 16 November, 2024
In this guide


This guide refers to troubleshooting a charge point that has already been integrated with Monta before. 

It’s important to note that Monta’s services do not begin before your charge point is connected to the internet and has a strong and stable internet connection.

Regular fallouts or disconnections can unfortunately interfere with our service as we require an internet connection with the charge point in order for our services to be reliable.

1. Physically reboot the charge point

If Monta Charge shows your charge point as “Disconnected”, this means that your charge point lost connection locally to the internet or has a very unstable connection. If this is the case, rebooting from Monta won’t work.

Perform a hard reboot

Unplug the charge point from the source of power for about 1 minute and plug it back in. 

Wait 5 minutes

Wait up to 5 mins and see if the charge point connects to the internet. No action is needed in Monta Charge- if your charge point connects to the internet and is integrated correctly with Monta it will automatically change to “Available” in Monta Charge. 

Move on to network diagnostics

If the steps above did not work, it means that your charge point is still not connected to the internet and therefore cannot connect to Monta. You can try and solve this yourself, and we have some tips and tricks here below - otherwise we advise you to contact a professional to help fix the internet issues on your charge point.

2. Check your network settings

WiFi connection

If your charge points are connected to the internet by WiFi signal, here are tips we can offer:

  • If your charge point supports connection via SIM-card, change to this. WiFi is generally not a stable connection for charge points due to the distance to the router. In our experience using SIM-cards and using cellular network works way better than WiFi.
  • If you choose to use WiFi, make sure that the units are located in close proximity to the router.
  • Make sure that there is no obstruction that can affect the signal (i.e. walls, doors, gates etc.)
  • Make sure your router is set to the correct frequency for the charge point. For example, the router may need to be set to a 2,4 Hz frequency, instead of 5 Hz. This would provide a slower, longer reach of the signal.

SIM card connection

Here are the tips for disconnected charge points, using a SIM card:

  • Check the reception signal at the location of the charge point. If possible, move the charge point, where the connection is more stable. 
  • If there is an unstable connection, you can purchase a device to extend the signal strength. 
  • If a SIM card is the only network connection option and the signal cannot be improved, consider purchasing a SIM card from a different provider. You can also purchase SIM cards from the Monta shop. 

3. Charge point configuration

We recommend checking out the charge point configuration in the native app or online portal.

Firmware update

Check if you need to update the firmware of the charge point. Some charge points' firmware can be updated directly from Monta Hub. 

Otherwise, you can do this in the charge point's app or the charge point's online portal. If there is a firmware update, follow the instructions and install it on your charge point.

OCPP configuration

Review the installation guide of the charge point carefully to make sure that the OCPP configuration settings are correct, so the charge point is able to connect to Monta.

Please note that this should only be done by people experienced with configuration of charge points. If needed, reach out to an installer or electrician - if you have a service provider who installed it for you, please contact them. 

4. Contact your service provider/installer/electrician

If you have gone through all of the troubleshooting steps above and you are still not able to reconnect the charge point to Monta, we recommend reaching out to a professional, who can examine your connection setup and or/ the hardware. This could for example be whomever you purchased your charge point from.

Contact an installer to receive help with the charge point internet connectivity, OCPP configuration or possible hardware issues. 

If the charge point is experiencing hardware issues, you can contact your service provider, who can help you get in touch with a charge point manufacturer if needed.

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