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Monta Charge

Find your charging receipt

Find and download the receipt for your charging session.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 7 May, 2024
In this guide

This is where you can find your charging receipt, even if you have not started the charge via Monta Charge. You can search for your charging receipt here.

There are two methods to search for your receipt.

Find your receipt by the last 4 digits of credit card

You can input the day when the charge took place and the last 4 digits of the credit card you used to pay for the charge. If you are have used Apple Pay, you can find the card information in your Apple Wallet.

Please note, that you need to input the date, when the charge ended. For example, if you charged overnight, then you need to put the date, on which you unplugged the car from the charge point.

  1. Open Receipt Service
  2. Select the date, when the charge took place
  3. Enter the last 4 digits of the credit card you used
  4. Click Search
  5. Select if you want to see the Summary or Download the receipt

Find your receipt by Charging site name

  1. Open Receipt Service
  2. Select the date, when the charge took place
  3. Enter the address or the name of the Charging site, where you charged
  4. Select the Site and click on Search
  5. Select if you want to see the Summary or Download the receipt
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