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Publish meter readings to 3rd Parties

Learn how you can publish the meter readings of your charge point to 3rd party platforms.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 29 February, 2024
In this guide

The meter reading publish feature is a way to publish meter readings for a charge points in a open format in order to document charging, sessions, and meter readings towards e.g. your employer, an insurance company, or utility company.

You just need to set the credentials for the 3rd party platform, where you want meter readings published, and enable the meter publishing on the individual charge point.

Setting up credentials

  1. Navigate to your Operator page on the side menu
  2. Click Credentials
  3. Click on New
  4. Select the platform for which you want to create credentials

Supported 3rd parties platforms

This is the current list of 3rd parties platforms for publishing meter readings that Monta supports. Click on the platform to see a guide on how to set them up.




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