You can publish your charge point meter readings to the fleet management platform Mina.
In this guide you will learn how to enable this functionality. Once you are set up, the charge point meter readings will be sent to Mina after every single charge!
Set up credentials
Note: Credentials can only be set by Operator level users.
- Click to open your Operator page from the side menu
- Select Credentials
- Click on +New
- Select Mina
- Mina and Monta are integrated, so no extra steps are needed
- Click on Create
Enable on a charge point
Note: This can be performed by any user who has access to charge point settings in Monta Hub.
Find the charge point in Monta Hub and enable the publishing of the meter readings.
- Open the charge point in Monta Hub and click on Charge point functionalities
- Find and enable Publish meter readings
- Toggle on Mina and pick the Mina credentials
- Make sure that the charge point id is the same as in the Mina platform
- Click on Enable
- Feel free to click on Test, which will send the last meter reading right away!