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Create additional charging fees

Learn how to create a starting fee, charging fee, minute fee and idle fee when EV drivers charge.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 29 February, 2024
In this guide

When you are creating Price Groups, you can apply additional charging fees on top of the base pricing. Here is how to create these fees and how they are calculated.

Find the additional charging fees

You can see the available charging fees, when you are creating a Price Group. Please note that not all additional charging fees are supported for all Price Groups or charge points.

  1. Open the Price Groups section of a Team
  2. Click to edit the Price Group
  3. Scroll down to see Additional fees field

Starting fee

This is a one time fee applied when the charge starts.

  1. Click on the plus sign
  2. Put in a name for the fee and state an amount per kWh
  3. See how the fee is added to the Price Group
  4. Click on Save changes

Charging fee

This is a one-time fee applied after a specified time, during the charge.

  1. Click on the plus sign
  2. Put in a name for the fee and state the amount
  3. Specify when to apply the charging fee
  4. See how the fee is added to the Price Group
  5. Click on Save changes

Minute fee

This is a minute fee applied after charging for a specified time. You can determine when the fee stops being applied.

  1. Click on the plus sign
  2. Put in a name for the fee and state the amount per minute
  3. Specify when to start applying the charging fee
  4. Specify when to stop applying the fee
    • When the cable is disconnected – only for charge points that support Release detection
    • When the charge is complete – will stop running the fee even if car is still plugged
  5. Click on Save changes

Idle fee

This is a minute fee that applies if the cable is not unplugged after the charge is complete. Only charge points that support Release detection can apply this fee correctly.

  1. Click on the plus sign
  2. Put in a name for the fee and state the amount per minute
  3. Specify when to start applying the charging fee
  4. Put a maximum amount of the fee, to avoid overcharging the EV driver
  5. Click on Save changes
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