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Apply cost tracking to charge points

Start tracking the electricity cost for charging on your charge points.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 20 June, 2024
In this guide

Cost tracking can be done on both paid and unpaid charges. It is applied per charge point or on a Charging Site level. For paid charges, you can compare the revenue from the charge session to the cost to calculate your profit margin.

Cost tracking will not create an actual transaction in your Wallet. The cost calculation can be seen in charge session exports and in the detailed charge screen.

Create a Cost group

You first need to create a Price Group for tracking the cost. Please note that the Cost Group can only be applied on charge points and Charging sites within the Team.

  1. Select the Price Groups tab in the Team
  2. Click on + Add new price and select Cost price
  3. Select between the type of pricing
  4. Name the price and select an amount per kWh or minute
  5. See how the price is added up and click on Save

Cost tracking on a charge point

You can select to apply a Cost Group per charge point within the Team.

  1. Select the Price Groups tab in the Team
  2. Click on the settings and select to apply the Price group
  3. Select the charge points or Charging sites and click Apply

Cost tracking on a Charging site

You can start tracking the cost on an entire Charging site at once. This means that all charge points will have the same Cost price.

  1. Open Charge points from the side menu and select Charging sites
  2. Open the site and navigate to the Details & Settings
  3. Click on Apply cost group
  4. Select a Cost price or create a new price group
    • You can select to recalculate the cost of all charges with this select Cost price
  5. Click on Continue and then Save changes
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