This guide is dedicated to managing an individual Tax Refund Subscription.
Please note that Tax Refund Subscriptions can only be viewed and managed by Operator users with Admin or Managed user permissions.
Approve a “Pending” Subscription
Whether you have applied a tax refund subscription on a charge point, or a Monta user has found your plan on the Monta Marketplace, you need to manually approve the Pending subscription.
The approval of a subscription consists of 3 sequential steps:
1. Take a current meter reading
You need to take a meter reading of the charge point, so you can see how much the user has charged before they have applied for a tax refund subscription.
It is very important that the meter reading is recent – if a few days have passed, we recommend to take a new reading.
- Go to the Pending section
- Click on View to open the subscription
- Check the Has an automated integration section
- If it says Yes, continue with these steps
- If it says No, click on Refresh status
- If it still shows No after refreshing, continue to Manage manual meter readings
- Click on Request new reading automated
- Select Readings to view the meter reading
- Copy the meter reading, so you can set it as a baseline in the next step.
2. Set up a meter baseline
A baseline is the number of kWh the meter of the charge point has registered before starting a tax refund subscription plan. The customer is going to receive tax refunds only for kWh charged after the baseline.
- Click on Tax refunds
- Select Set a baseline
- Insert the number that you just copied from Readings
- It must be a whole number. Ex.: if you copied 312,34 kWh, you need to leave 312 kWh
- For a first baseline you don’t need to leave a note
- Click on Set
- The baseline is now set. You can proceed to approve the subscription.
3. Approve the subscription
Now you are ready to approve the subscription. We recommend to approve the subscription straight after setting a baseline.
- Click on Approve now
- You can edit the first purchase date
- Attach the contract with the customer as a PDF (Optional)
- Click on Approve
- The subscription is now active!
View a Tax refund Subscription
This is how you find and open an individual Tax refund Subscription to view it.
- Click on Active subscriptions
- Use the drop-down menu to filter which subscriptions you want to see
- Click on View
- General information
- See the plan id, number of purchases and customer information
- Tax refund
- See what is the tax refund kWh payout of the customer
- Subscription details
- See the customer details and who has applied the subscription
- Subscription action buttons
- Pricing
- See how much the customer is paying for the subscription
- If the plan has additional custom fees you will see them here
- Timestamps
- See when the plan has been created and approve, canceled or ended
Edit a subscription
This is how you can make a custom change to a single subscription in the plan. The changes you make will only apply to the specific subscription, not to the whole plan.
- Open to view subscription in Monta Hub
- Click on Edit
- Discounts – adjust how much discount you want the client to receive
- Next Purchase at – edit when is the next purchase date for the client
- Tax refund payout – edit how much tax refund the customer is receiving
Set a new baseline
You may have to set a new baseline in case:
- You have replaced the charge point, and now there is a new hardware = new meter
- The charge point was offline for a long time and the meter cannot update
- The initial baseline was set incorrectly
- The customer is not receiving tax refunds. First, you should investigate what is the reason for this, but eventually, you may have to set a new baseline.
- Click on Readings – you need a new meter reading
- Click on Request new reading automated
- Copy the number and click on Back
- Click on Tax refunds
- Select Set a baseline
- Paste the number you just copied – it needs to be a whole number
- Write a comment why you are setting a new baseline
- Click on Set
Manage manual meter readings
When the charge point is not supported in Monta to provide automatic meter readings, the users need to perform manual meter readings by taking a picture of the charge point meter reading. Here is how to manage this.
Approve a subscription for charge point with manual meter readings
There are 3 steps in the approval, like described earlier in the guide – taking a meter reading, setting a baseline and approving the subscription. The only difference is that the meter reading is registered in a different way.
- Open the Pending subscription
- Scroll to confirm that the charge point requires meter readings
- In that field, you will see that MID is No
- Click on Request new reading by user
- The user will get a notification in their Monta app to make a meter reading
- Click on Readings to see the reading
- Click on Evaluate
- Make sure there is a picture of the charge point meter in the reading
- In the picture, the meter kWh number must be clearly visible and recognizable
- The written kWh must match the kWh number in the picture
- If these are not present, you should decline the reading and request a new one
- Click on Approve and copy the number
- Go to set a baseline (explained above in this guide)
- Approve the subscription (explained above in this guide)
Periodically request a meter reading
Now that the subscription is approved, you need to request a manual meter reading from the customer periodically, so they can receive tax refund.
Use the “Request new reading by user” button or check this guide to see how you can manage manual meter readings in bulk.
Refund a subscription purchase
You are also able to refund the client for a monthly subscription purchase from the Monta Hub.
- Open the subscription in Monta Hub
- Click on Purchases and select the one you want to refund with View
- Click on Refund transaction
- The funds will be transferred from your Operator Wallet back to client’s Wallet
- You will be able to see the refund in your Operator transactions
Cancel a subscription
- Open the subscription in Monta Hub
- Click on Cancel and confirm to cancelation
- The subscription is now in a Cancelling state
- In Cancelling state, the user us still receiving tax refund
- While the subscription is Cancelling, the user cannot apply for a new subscription
- The subscription will go to Canceled on the End date
- To end the subscription immediately click on End now
- If you click on End now, the tax refund will stop immediately