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Set up pricing for EV Drivers

Learn how you can set up the charge pricing for your charge points and Team Members.
Written by Yana Yankova
Last updated: 10 April, 2024
In this guide


Price Groups are how you can set up specific charge pricing for EV drivers. In this guide, we are going to explain the different elements and requirements, so you can create a set up that fits your pricing needs.

5 easy steps and you are ready to start earning from EV drivers, using your charge points!

1. Select the type of Price Group

First you need to select what you want to price. This is a table explaining all of the options. Please follow the necessary links to learn more about the different set ups.

Price Group typeApplied perApplied whenSet up
Public PriceCharge point Charge point is set to Public visibility and an EV driver, who is not a Team Member performs a charge. Monta Charge, Monta Hub
Member PriceTeam Member User is invited in the Team, as a Member and performs a charge on a Team charge point. Monta Charge, Monta Hub
Sponsored PriceTeam MemberYou have set up Sponsored charging at home. Monta Hub
Cost PriceCharge pointBoth paid and unpaid charges, in order to track the electricity cost of charging.Monta Charge, Monta Hub
Roaming PriceCharge pointCharge point is set to Public, with enabled Roaming and an EV driver performs a charge via a Roaming platform. Monta Hub
Price Group Types

2. Select the type of pricing

Monta offers different types of pricing. Please note that Roaming Price Group only supports Fixed kWh.

Pricing typeDescriptionExample
Spot priceCalculated per kWh. Uses the spot price for the location of the charge point. See Dynamic pricing.
Fixed kWhCalculated per kWhPrice per kWh = 0.2 EUR
Charge amount = 30 kWh
Price = 6 EUR
Pay per min.Calculated per minute of chargingPrice per min = 0.2 EUR
Charge time = 30 mins
Price = 6 EUR
Pricing Types

3. Apply an Hourly tariff (optional)

If you are setting up a Spot price or a Fixed kWh type pricing, you can select to apply an hourly tariff, which goes into the final pricing calculation.

You can select an available tariff, based on the charge point location, or you can also build a tariff, yourself.

4. Create additional charging fees (optional)

You can create additional fees, which apply during or after the charge is complete.

Charging fee typeDescriptionComments
Starting feeOne time fee, when the charge begins.
Charging feeOne time fee, after a specified time of charging.
Minute feeFee applied per minute, after the charge has completed. It can be set to apply until the charge is complete or until the cable is released. Only charge points that support Release detection can be set to “Cable is released” option.
Idle fee after fully chargedA minute fee applied if the car remains connected to the charge point after the charge is completed. You can set a maximum amount.Only charge points that support Release detection can support this fee.
Charging fee types

5. Apply the Price Group

The final steps is to apply the Price Group you have created. You can see how to do that from the set up guides linked in step 1.

Here are some facts that apply to all types of Price Groups:

  • Price Groups are set in a Team and they can be applied on charge points and Members in the Team
  • You can create multiple Price Groups of the same type (ex. 3 Public Price Groups)
  • Price Groups can only be managed by the Team Owner and Team Admins with configuration rights
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